Now more than ever.

City of Work

From a series titled “Empty Space,” this digitally rendered image is part of a larger narrative project, “City of Work,“ a hyper-productive dystopia rendered across websites, blueprints, videos, and photography. This body of work sprang from the tedium of the artist’s day job, the friction between making art and making a living, and the frustration of navigating the impersonal and often illogical designations of success and failure in both office and art work.

City of Work

I have been creating the “CITY OF WORK” project since 2006. It is a meta-novel consisting of video, architectural plans,charts and computer graphics used to create a complete world of corporate dystopia, where work is all consuming. In this City of Work, vacations are given by lottery, jobs are determined by the Human Potential Institute and it is illegal to be unemployed. Its motto is “If you worked here you would be at work right now.”