Now more than ever.

Empty Space

From a series titled “Empty Space,” this digitally rendered image is part of a larger narrative project, “City of Work,“ a hyper-productive dystopia rendered across websites, blueprints, videos, and photography. This body of work sprang from the tedium of the artist’s day job, the friction between making art and making a living, and the frustration of navigating the impersonal and often illogical designations of success and failure in both office and art work.

Empty Space

From a series titled “Empty Space,” this digitally rendered image is part of a larger narrative project, “City of Work,“ a hyper-productive dystopia rendered across websites, blueprints, videos, and photography. This body of work sprang from the tedium of the artist’s day job, the friction between making art and making a living, and the frustration of navigating the impersonal and often illogical designations of success and failure in both office and art work.